Culture Prize of the Landschaftsverband Westfalen-Lippe awarded to the Association for its work in founding and maintaining the Jewish Museum of Westphalia (2002)
Erasmus EuroMedia Medal awarded by the Gesellschaft für Pädagogik und Information e.V. (GPI) and the European Society for Education and Communication e.V. (ESEC) for the trilingual (Dutch, German, Polish) website (2006)
Year 9 of the Gymnasium Petrinum and the Jewish Museum successfully competed in the nationwide multimedia competition schule@museum with the project “Jewish Lives in the 20th Century” – an initiative of the Deutscher Museumsbund and the Bundesverband Museumspädagogik e.V.(2006)
Prize awarded by the Paul Spiegel-Berufskolleg Foundation (2010)
Special prize awarded by the town of Dorsten for outstanding cultural commitment in the project “Invitation to discover the town” (2013)
Special mention for Dorsten from the “Lebendige Stadt” Foundation in “The Most Vibrant Memorial City” award for its “Invitation to Discover the Town” (2014)
Second prize in the history competition “WAR WAS? Heimat im Ruhrgebiet – Erinnerungsorte und Gedächnisräume” (Places of Remembrance and Memorial Sites) of the Forum Geschichtskultur an Ruhr und Emscher for the project “Invitation to Discover the Town” (2014)